viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016


Each muscle belly receives one or more own arteries accompanying veins, lymphatics and nerves. Typically, an artery is larger caliber and called the main artery. Point vessel access is usually the central or belly ends, and usually by the deep surface of the muscle. Knowledge of the pattern of vascular pedicle input to the muscles of considerable importance plastic surgery, because it is a key factor in performing muscle grafts. Inside the muscle belly arteries accompanied veins branch into tissue thickness intramuscular connective (perimysium) and arranged with Under the direction of muscle fibers, establishing numerous anastomosis. Capillary ramifications arteries are arranged at the level of endomysium and around muscle fibers forming a capillary frame is more abundant in red muscle fibers. Vascularity of tendons is much scarcer the muscle belly. The vessels entering the tendon from the muscle belly and direct branches that address tendon. Within the tendon, vascular ramifications They are arranged aligned with the fiber material extracellular.

The lymphatic drainage of the muscles begins in perimysium and accompanying blood vessels. An important aspect of capillary blood and irrigation Muscle is its great adaptability to functional needs. During the activity of a muscle, can increase its capillary vascularization fibers up to 700 times in relation to the situation rest. This regulatory effect of blood flow It seems to be enhanced by the existence of anastomosis arteriovenous that, at rest, facilitate flow into the veins without passing through the capillary bed. The irrigation deficiency causes fatigue and muscle cramps (Painful spasms).

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