jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


The human body, like any other metazoan, It is made of cells. The cell is the structural unit essentials of living organisms. In the human body more than 250 cell types are known which represent a very small part of the millions of cell types that make up all living beings planet. These structural elements are not isolated but closely to build inter-agency alive. Between the cells and the whole organism no intermediate levels of organization: tissues, organs and systems and devices. Tissues are sets of cells which develop a particular function. There are four basic types tissue: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous; Y of them there are specialized forms. Thus, within the tissue connective can be distinguished adipose, cartilage, bone and blood. One feature of connective tissue cells is well consists in largely by another structural element called extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix consists fibers and ground substance or amorphous matrix. The fibers are composed of different proteins; stand including several varieties of collagen (fibers collagen and reticulin fibers), fibrillins (microfibrils) and elastin (elastic fibers). The amorphous matrix contains liquid tissue (water, salts and small molecules) and, primarily, glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans and various glycoproteins. Bodies are formed by different types of tissue. Are well defined anatomical units

exercising at least a function. Thus, esophagus leads food into the stomach, kidney shaped urine but also it produces substances that regulate the pressure blood and liver is an organ with multiple functions metabolic. The organs are associated with appliances and systems perform complex functions. An apparatus or system It can be defined as a combination of parts to service a complex function, for example, digestion. There is a tendency in the current anatomical terminology to exclude the term device. However, in this work both terms are maintained. In the apparatus, organs They are anatomically well defined, with limits accurate. In systems, the concept of organ is more diffuse and macroscopic structures are hardly separable, for the cellular and molecular elements that are no defined barriers or they overlap throughout the body. Thus, it is easy delimit the urinary organs, but in the immune system can not be separate bodies immune lymphoid cells isolated, and the system nervous is, ultimately, a very complex cellular network that invades the whole organism so diffuse. Equipment and systems that make up the human body They are: 1) The skin and its annexes (integumentary system), 2) musculoskeletal system, consisting of bones and cartilage (system Skeleton), joints (articular system) muscles (muscular system), 3) the digestive system, 4) respiratory, 5) urinary tract, 6) the device player or genital, 7) the endocrine system, 8) the immune system, 9) the circulatory system, which encompasses the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system, 10) the nervous system. The organs do not constitute a system or standalone device. They are receivers that capture and transform information from the outside world form part of a continuum with the nervous system. All systems work in a coordinated and structurally They can only be separated as a method study to understand the overall unit is being alive. Underlying these levels of organization of the body They are human molecules. The cells are formed molecules, producing molecules and interact by molecules. Proteins are the main molecules of which it depends on the structural organization and functional living things. Themselves have their own and specific spatial organization (anatomy). And the structure protein is specified by genes, which they are fragments of the DNA molecule, whose organization space is essential for its function again. The genes thus contain in coded form, the information the structure of the organism, its cell types, their functions, their number and spatial position of organization in tissues and organs, as well as signals for development grow and die.

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