jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


The human anatomy is the science that studies how and the structure of the human body. The term anatomy it's very old. Derived from the Greek anatémnein (ana-volumes)  hich means to cut through, meaning that assimilated to dissect word (Latin dissecare, cut). In its origins and long, anatomy was based only in dissecting the corpse. However, the Anatomy must face the living subject, to the understanding of the forms and structures of the body alive. Therefore, modern imaging techniques, which allow see inside the human body without opening, are valuable tools for study of anatomy. According to the method used, the anatomy can be descriptive, topographic, functional and causal.Descriptive anatomy shows how the shape and structure of the parts of the body. The topographic anatomy or regional divides the body into imaginary units and conventional in order to establish relations space of structures. Anatomy seeks functional correlation between forms the body and the functions they perform. It is the intent to grasp the unity between the two modes with which the reality of living matter is presented to our senses: form and function. Being functional anatomy sets connecting links with other disciplines such as physiology or molecular biology. The causal anatomy investigates how they originated forms of organisms, studying individual development (developmental anatomy) or species (phylogenetic evolutionary anatomy). Human anatomy that the student must learn medicine and other health sciences, must be oriented clinical practice. Clinical anatomy highlights anatomical data useful for understanding the disease and to explore and properly treat patients. The medical application of anatomy is extraordinarily importance. The objective is achieved clinical anatomy when the student knows, for example, structures palpate with his hands on a patient, where to put the stethoscope for listening to the heart valves, recognize the interior of the larynx with a laryngoscope, orientate properly on a radiograph, or deduct your imagination organs may be injured when a subject has suffered a gunshot wound following a given path. But also, and primordial form, when you know explain the consequences caused injury to a particular anatomical structure (A nerve, an artery, etc.). One of the essential features of life forms is the variability. No two individuals, not two bodies, exactly equal. By the constitution, age, race and other factors, human bodies offer variations like those of any other species. To describe the human body, anatomy makes a morphological abstraction and defines an ideal human type, a general pattern forms and structures. This human type considered the norm, that is, the statistically most frequent. Deviations from the standard forms are variations, anomalies and malformations.

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